Domoticz, Docker, PiHole, Raspberry

A couple of years ago I bought a neat little computer called the Raspberry Pi Zero W. The main reason to buy it was to fiddle around with it and ofcourse its cost. The board itself costs around 11 euro’s and in a set (includes a power adapter etc) it will cost around 34 euro’s. Really a cheap bargain I have to say.

Last week I bought myself a Raspberry Pi 3b+ starter kit (costs around 70 euro’s) to be able to run docker and to have a system that is a bit more powerfull (and can be connected using LAN cables)

This blog post is a brain fart that contains information needed to setup the zero as a PiHole server and a domoticz server that can read out my smart energy meter. Also this blog will detail about how I got docker working in my Raspberry Pi 3b+

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